Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's a new year......

So far, I've been enjoying retirement....such as it is. I work hard on the church job, and I've subbed a few times for music. I'm not crazy about the subbing. I'm spinning and getting better. My new wheel makes nice lace weight yarns. I just finished over 400 yards of pastel merino plied with angora. I finished knitting a pair of alpaca mittens for my brother and a pair of worsted weight homespun socks for my sil, a pair of mittens for a friend, another pair of fingerless mitts for a friend, a pair of homespun mittens for myself, and a pair of socks for myself and a friend out of commercial yarn. I am currently working on a turquoise long cable sweater and am about half done. On February 5th I will be going to Knit Michigan. I have a new private voice student who is quite good.

Life seems pretty good.....